I agree with you; science cannot solve the climate change problem expecting a technological breakthrough, especially since none is on the horizon (no, fusion is nowhere close), and we are still talking about growth. Science is then working on faith, which makes it a religion. Yes, some scientists will be offended by what I just said. But think about the incompability of growth to solving a problem where growth is the enemy.

Moreover, Science is beholden to business and political interests, where there is always continued talk about growth (i.e., GDP, stock market, peer-reviewed publications). This is contrary to solving the problem of climate change, since it is growth that is causing many of our planetary problems, including growth of CO2, CH4 and deforestation, loss of habitats and loss of species. We have, for example, lost so many bird species since 1970.

So, how am I responsible? As an individual, I have decided to reduce my footprint, by reducing my consumption every which way possible. It is a small gesture, perhaps, but necessary for me. For my conscience.

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Thank you for your comment, Perry. I'm not even sure fusion would be an answer. I mean, just imagine what everyone would do if they had unlimited amounts of clean energy. We could just as easily move towards unlimited expansion rather than using less energy more cheaply. That would eliminate the CO2 increase by fossil-fuel burning but it would also mean increased habitat loss. Of course, I'm not saying that such a thing WOULD happen but with our general global expansionist philosophy today, it has a good chance of happening.

That again goes back to growth. And it's a real tragedy, one of the greatest tragedies, that we've lost so many species due to us. Species that we can never get back.

You are absolutely right: we should reduce our own footprints. Not necessarily because it will solve everything right away, but because it is the right attitude of respect for the planet. Just like I should take dirty shoes off before enterting someone's house, I should also use as few resources as possible if those resources are not obtained in a sustainable, symbiotic way. Cultivating this attitude must be the first step towards real change. Of course, another step is likely to be revolution.

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